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15 Items You Should Have in Your Gym Bag

Published: 01/12/23Lifestyle

January may have come to an end but that does not mean your new year's fitness goals have to. Summer is going to be here before you know it so it is important to make the most out of your workouts to see the results you are wanting. You need to make sure you are well prepared to set yourself up for a great workout. When I go to the gym, I like to make sure I have each of these essentials with me at all times. 

A Gym Bag

Having a gym bag makes everything easier. I used to be the person who would try to carry everything in my hands but it is much easier to carry everything inside a bag. 

Reusable Water Bottle

It is so important to stay hydrated during your workouts. I usually refill mine about 3 times while at the gym. Plus, this is a more environmentally friendly option than the reusable water bottles available in stores and vending machines.


Music is one of the best ways to get through an intense workout. I recommend wireless headphones that stay in while you are staying active. 

Extra Hair Ties/ Headbands

It is so easy to forget to bring something to keep your hair back or have one break mid-workout. With these in your bag, you will have no issues with your hair bothering you during your workout.

Hygiene Essentials

After an intense workout it is a good idea to rinse off to feel fresh and ready to accomplish your next goal. Additionally, this will be good for your skin because sweat can clog your pores and cause acne breakouts. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razor, face wash, deodorant, cleansing wipes, hairbrush, and towels are some good items to consider including. 

Extra clothing/Tennis Shoes

You never know when you will need extra clothing. After all, clothes can tear, or you may need to go somewhere after you workout. With an extra set of clothes and tennis shoes prepared, you will be ready for any situation. 

Laundry bag or Separate Compartment 

It is always important to have an extra place for dirty clothes so you are not contaminating your clean clothing items. This prevents the transfer of sweat or stench onto your clean clothes. 

Combination Lock

I always have a lock with me so I have a place to store my gym bag. This way, I do not have to carry my items around or worry about something being stolen.

Pre Workout 

Energy Bars 

I keep Energy bars with me at all times. I use these to keep me satisfied until the end of my workout. It makes all the difference. I love to make my own but a couple of my favorite store-bought ones are Clif Bars and Lara Bars.

Workout Supplies

Jump Rope

Jump roping is my favorite way to warm up and is also a great cardio workout.

Resistance Bands

These can be used for many workouts including legs and arms. I love using resistance bands. I ordered a 3 pack off of amazon with light, medium, and strong impact. These are perfect for many workouts. They have helped tone my legs and arms.

Sliding Plates

If you want a challenge, add sliding plates to your ab workouts. These are perfect for any planks or mountain climber workouts. It is so much harder and will help to tighten your core.

Yoga Mat

I love taking my own yoga mat to the gym because I know no one else has used it and it is clean. 

Ankle Weights

If your workout is too easy, add some extra weight. I like to add one pound ankle weights. You can use this for cardio, ab, or leg workouts

Workout Regimen 

Too many people go into the gym without a plan. Make sure you know exactly what you want to accomplish to ensure a great workout.

About The Author

Katelyn Fedrick

Social media, volunteerism, videography and pageants are just a few things I am passionate about. I have been competing in pageants for the past few years where I have developed my legacy project K.A.T.E where I inspire others to honor our soldiers and veterans with thank you cards and kind acts of service.

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